Heal From The Core, LLC
Heal From The Core, LLC
Opening hours
- Sunday
- Closed
- Monday
- 8 AM - 9 PM
- Tuesday
- 8 AM - 8 PM
- Wednesday
- 11 AM - 9 PM
- Thursday
- 8 AM - 3:30 PM
- Friday
- 9 AM - 4 PM
- Saturday
- Closed
Broomall, PA 19008
This somatic method is a bottom-up approach utilizing the physiology (body-based) to promote increased self-awareness, increased self-regulation, and increased well-being by supporting your ability to learn how to become more present with yourself and with somatic sensations, as sensations are what fuel our emotions.
This revolutionary therapy is for stress/tension/trauma-related issues, anxiety, depression, fatigue, anger and hostility, feelings of separation and loneliness, addiction, and all kinds of fears along with many conditions related to lack of balance and harmony in the body.
Reported Benefits Include:
Less Worry & Anxiety
Reduces Symptoms of PTSD
More Energy & Endurance
Improved Marital Relationships
Less Workplace Stress
Better Sleep
Less Relationship Conflict
Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
Increased Flexibility
Greater Emotional Resiliency
Decreases Symptoms of Vicarious Trauma
Healing of Old Injuries
Lessened Anxiety surrounding Serious Illness
Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
*Wear comfortable clothing appropriate for exercising and stretching
Included in the TRE® session are different techniques for eliciting and modifying the tremoring response, hands-on facilitated assists, and strategies for overcoming specific issues needing attention in the private session, as well as in one's at-home practice.
*After a total of four private sessions, most individuals are ready for a safe at-home practice.
*Package includes 4 private sessions (1-90-min. intro session plus 3-75-min. follow-up sessions. Also includes Instructional pamphlet and access to private interactive online classroom).
This program is designed to empower you to help yourself. The goal of the complete 4-pack is for you to become self-sufficient, possessing the means to access feeling better quickly anytime, anywhere on your own. It generally takes about four sessions to get the exercises and the self-regulation process down. Sessions can take place in person, via Skype, or via Zoom.
We also know people who can read the emotions of others. They understand what to say to make people feel better, and they know how to inspire them to take action.
People like this have high emotional intelligence (or EQ). They have strong relationships, and they manage difficult situations calmly and effectively. They're also likely to be resilient in the face of adversity.
So, how emotionally intelligent are you, and how can you develop further?
B. Monthly special events like teleclasses, group seminars, and/or workshops related to health and wellness
C. A variety of handouts, recipes, books, CDs, food samples, and other materials
D. An invitation for guests to attend special events
In this 60-minute one-on-one coaching session in person or via Zoom you can personally address any area of the self-regulation process including tools and techniques for:
1. Monitoring your own behavior, the influences on your behavior, and the consequences of your behavior
2. Judging your behavior in relation to your own personal standards and broader, more contextual standards
3. Reacting vs. responding to your own behavior (i.e., what we think and how we feel about our behavior)
The process is a 3-Phase one which includes:
a. The planning/releasing phase where you have an opportunity to work on self-assessment and learn how to pick the best strategies for success.
b. The monitoring/processing phase where you get experience implementing the strategies you chose and make real-time adjustments to your plans as needed.
c. The action/reflection phase where you put everything you have learned together and reflect on your experience, learning what works for you, and what should be altered or replaced with a new strategy.
Overall, there's tons of evidence to suggest that those who successfully display self-regulation in their everyday behavior enjoy greater well-being. Researchers Skowron, Holmes, and Sabatelli (2003) found that greater self-regulation was positively associated with well-being for both men and women.
Findings are the same for young people as well; a study from 2016 showed that adolescents who regularly engage in self-regulatory behavior report greater well-being than their peers, including enhanced life satisfaction, perceived social support, and positive affect (i.e., good feelings).
On the other hand, those who suppressed their feelings instead of addressing them head-on experienced lower well-being, including greater loneliness, more negative affect (i.e., bad feelings), and worse psychological health overall (Verzeletti, Zammuner, Galli, Agnoli, & Duregger, 2016).
Emotional Intelligence and Well-Being
To get more specific, one of the ways in which self-regulation contributes to well-being is through emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence can be described as:
“the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth” (Mayer & Salovey, 1997).
According to emotional intelligence expert Daniel Goleman, there are five components of emotional intelligence:
Internal motivation
Social skills
We will explore these topics together in a therapeutic, confidential relationship..
B. Monthly special events like teleclasses, group seminars, and/or workshops related to health and wellness
C. A variety of handouts, recipes, books, CDs, food samples, and other materials
D. An invitation for guests to attend special events
Spending too much time up in our heads planning, problem-solving, daydreaming (unconsciously), or ruminating over negative thoughts can be draining. It can also lead to your experiencing stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. Practicing mindfulness exercises can help you learn how to direct your attention away from being stuck replaying the past or anxiously worrying over what's to come in the future.
Through mindfulness techniques you will learn how to clarify your values and intentions, how to pay attention, notice sensations, and awaken awareness to live in the moment. Living in the moment allows you to learn to accept yourself and treat yourself the way you would treat a good friend. We will explore thoughts, mistaken beliefs and conditioned patterns. We will explore fear, anger, and forgiveness. We will practice cultivating kindness and awakening compassion.
Techniques in the art of mindfulness classes will also include: breathing methods, guided imagery, body scan and progressive relaxation to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress.
Mindfulness exercises will include sitting meditation, walking meditation, and conscious daydreaming.
Studies in many clinical trials support the effectiveness of meditation for various conditions including:
high blood pressure (hypertension)
Preliminary research indicates that meditation can also help people with asthma and fibromyalgia.
Meditation can help you experience thoughts and emotions with greater balance and acceptance. Meditation has been shown to:
1. Improve attention
2. Decrease job burnout
3. Improve sleep
4. Improve diabetes control
With time and consistent practice mindfulness will become effortless. As you make the commitment to reconnect with and nurture yourself, you will unlock your mad potential and SOAR into massive action to achieve your dreams!
B. Monthly special events like teleclasses, group seminars, and/or workshops related to health and wellness
C. A variety of handouts, recipes, books, CDs, food samples, and other materials
D. An invitation for guests to attend special events
Our breath is one of the most basic connections we have to our environment. Each time we inhale and exhale, we receive and give to our natural environment. This is a simple yet profound connection. We eliminate up to 70% of our body’s waste through our lungs. Clean air is vital to maintaining the delicate balance of life on our planet.
Both meditation and deep, slow abdominal breathing are linked to increased vagal tone. The Vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body, and supports everything from your health and well being to friendships and happiness. It travels all the way from the brain to the digestive system. This nerve works through the parasympathetic nervous system.
The strength of your vagus response is known as your vagal tone. High vagal tone improves the function of many bodily systems. Benefits include, better blood sugar regulation, reduced risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease, lower blood pressure, and improved digestion through optimal production of digestive enzymes.
It influences the release of oxytocin, a hormone that is important in social bonding. Studies have found that higher vagal tone is associated with greater closeness to others and more altruistic behavior. When your exhale is even a few counts longer than your inhale, the vagus nerve is signaled. Breathing from your diaphragm, rather than shallowly from the top of the lungs stimulates and tones the vagus nerve.
Learn a variety of breathing, toning, and meditation techniques to reduce stress, to gain resiliency, and to find joyful living.
B. Monthly special events like teleclasses, group seminars, and/or workshops related to health and wellness
C. A variety of handouts, recipes, books, CDs, food samples, and other materials
D. An invitation for guests to attend special events
Journaling Strategies In this Course Include:
1. Journaling with pen and paper can have measurable benefits over the keyboard and research supports this. It appears that writing stimulates an area of the brain called the reticular activating system (RAS) which filters and brings clearly to the fore the information we're focusing on. If you're not fond of your cursive, that's o.k. We'll explore both old-fashioned pen and paper writing, using the keyboard, as well as art journaling for those of you who are more visually inclined.
2. Gratitude Journaling - a highly effective strategy for relieving stress because it helps you focus on the resources you have in your life already to create a more positive mood in the moment.
3. Emotional Release/Dream Work - you'll write about emotional responses to events that happened throughout the day as a way of coping with the stress. As you process what you're feeling, you explore more positive reframing options that allow you the ability to maximize and savor the positive feelings to expand on the positive and manage the negative things in your life.
Dreams are a powerful way to unearth what we've been storing in the basement or our subconscious mind. Somatic exercises dredge up emotional awareness and through our dreams our subconscious speaks its mind. You will keep a journal by your bedside and scribble, mind-map, draw, or bullet point whatever you do remember from a dream. The key is to record it in as much detail as you can manage, including aspects of your internal experience (e.g., what you were thinking or feeling during the dream). When people narrate their dreams, they typically leave out numerous details that seem too trivial or obvious to mention. Yet it is precisely these seemingly worthless details that often become highly significant in later explorations.
4. Bullet Journal or Personal Planning - a simple method to track what you need to do each day, goals you have, memories you create, etc. Writing things down (or a mind dump), especially when done first thing in the morning or right before bed, helps keep your mind uncluttered so there's space to feel organized, balanced, and welcome the gratitude aspect of journaling.
5. The Five-Minute Focus Flow or Mantra Magic - you will begin with one-minute focused periods of positivity and move into a five-minute positivity rant. This practice, when done daily, dissolves negativity and brings you into connection with your Higher Self so you can learn how to channel or perform Automatic Writing.
6. Intention-Setting Journaling prompts - you will explore journal prompts to get you started with journaling or to further your love for your self-care ritual. These prompts are intended to get you thinking about your love life, career, gratitude, world events, spirituality, and life in general.
7. Automatic Writing - a consistent writing practice, especially gratitude journaling, coupled with releasing practices such as yoga, meridian exercises, TRE, Chakra Dance, breath work, and meditation, will clear your chakras opening you to hear the Soul's Song, allowing you to produce writing words without consciously writing. I will use my automatic writings as examples for you to see how the words arise from a subconscious, spiritual, or supernatural source.
Benefits of Journaling:
1. decreases symptoms of asthma, arthritis, and other health conditions.
2. improves cognitive functioning.
3. strengthens the immune system, or T-lymphocytes, preventing a host of illnesses.
4. counteracts many of the negative effects of stress, associated with drops in depression, anxiety, and increases in positive mood, social engagement, and quality of close relationships.
Journaling generally involves the practice of keeping a diary or journal that explores thoughts and feelings surrounding the events of your life. There are several different ways to do this. Journaling, as a stress management and self-exploration tool, works best when done consistently, but even sporadic journaling, when done with intention, can be stress relieving especially when the practice is focused on gratitude and emotional processing.
Writing in a journal helps you remove mental blocks as it accesses the left side of your brain, the analytical and rational side, which unblocks the right side of the brain to allow it to think creatively and intuitively.
Journaling is a necessary complement to releasing practices such as TRE and Chakra Dance. As you release emotional blockages, you need to process what's coming up so you can integrate them. Writing provides a kinesthetic experience for the cognitive awareness that allows for integration in conjunction with the experiential or felt sense that somatic experiencing provides.
When the left and right sides of the brain work together, doing what they do best, we find clarity and creativity while also gaining valuable self-knowledge.
Journaling is an excellent way to hash out a problem and come up with solutions. Journaling about traumatic events helps you process them by fully exploring and releasing the emotions (once identified) involved so that you can more on to gratitude journal and automatic writing.
Journaling reduces stress since evidence shows that writing about stressful events helps you come to terms with them.
Journaling helps you achieve your goals. We all know that writing something down makes it more likely to remember it Research shows that when we write things down, it signals the brain that what you're writing is important. Additionally, setting aside a little time each day to journal will help you exercise self-discipline, a characteristic you must master if you wish to achieve your goals!
B. Monthly special events like teleclasses, group seminars, and/or workshops related to health and wellness
C. A variety of handouts, recipes, books, CDs, food samples, and other materials
D. An invitation for guests to attend special events
We also know people who can read the emotions of others. They understand what to say to make people feel better, and they know how to inspire them to take action.
People like this have high emotional intelligence (or EQ). They have strong relationships, and they manage difficult situations calmly and effectively. They're also likely to be resilient in the face of adversity.
So, how emotionally intelligent are you, and how can you develop further?
Your voice is a holographic picture of your health. Through the technology of Voice Bio©™, the independent frequencies within your voice can be captured, translated and sorted onto a voice print chart, giving a highly accurate indication of physical function in your body.
Good for any specific issues related to organs or diseases. Helpful for emotional issues as well. Good overall balancing of your system. We have many testimonials demonstrating these healing responses.
The system does not claim to diagnose or cure.
This treatment was developed by Kae Thompson-Liu and is popular among naturopaths and physicians. The voice is representative of all of the frequencies in the body. The keynote frequencies found in the body are the very same frequencies found in music, and the computerized program uses the chromatic scale to recognize the harmonics over or under fueled in your system. The various parts of the body attract resources and communicate with each other by way of sound frequency. If communication breaks down, or if excessive or prolonged stress is placed on one system or organ, an imbalance can develop and the voice bio can help re-pattern before severe symptoms develop. Patterns, such as a disposition to cancer are easy to spot, and interventions as simple as toning “missing notes” can change the projected outcome.
We can do the same Voice Analysis over the phone or on Zoom. We then send you a song with your missing frequencies. You just won't get to do the 30 minute live sound table treatment.
Your voice is a holographic picture of your health. Through the technology of Voice Bio©™, the independent frequencies within your voice can be captured, translated and sorted onto a voice print chart, giving a highly accurate indication of physical function in your body.
Good for any specific issues related to organs or diseases. Helpful for emotional issues as well. Good overall balancing of your system. We have many testimonials demonstrating these healing responses.
The system does not claim to diagnose or cure.
This treatment was developed by Kae Thompson-Liu and is popular among naturopaths and physicians. The voice is representative of all of the frequencies in the body. The keynote frequencies found in the body are the very same frequencies found in music, and the computerized program uses the chromatic scale to recognize the harmonics over or under fueled in your system. The various parts of the body attract resources and communicate with each other by way of sound frequency. If communication breaks down, or if excessive or prolonged stress is placed on one system or organ, an imbalance can develop and the voice bio can help re-pattern before severe symptoms develop. Patterns, such as a disposition to cancer are easy to spot, and interventions as simple as toning “missing notes” can change the projected outcome.
Check out www.voicebio.com
Online Assessment
We do the same Voice Analysis over the phone or on Zoom. We then send you a link to download the CD with your missing frequencies. If you would like to have CD mailed to you, shipping is $5 ($20 for International shipping).
$65 – Assessment and song. Approximately 1/2 hour total.
Essential oils can be added
Experience A Medical Massage Table with 4 Speakers Mounted Underneath as well as:
• Amethyst BioMat Pro -A Therapy of Light, Heat, and Crystal
Experience the profound benefits of detoxification, rapid healing, and natural pain relief with the Richway Amethyst BioMat.
• Sound Pillow (option) – Get sandwiched with vibration between the Sound Table and the Pillow
VibroAcoustic therapy and binaural beats changes our brain. This is not about controlling the brain or rearranging it according to some optimal “brain manual.” It is about creating the conditions for brain activity that foster deeper learning and authentic change. It is about entraining the brain to step out of its habitual grooves and rewire itself in response to new learning.
Vibroacoustic/frequency therapy serves to stimulate a means of healing that involves the brain and the entire body at the organic and cellular levels. This therapy has produced results of remarkable improvement for a wide range of psychological and neuromuscular conditions from Anxiety, Depression, Anger Management, Insomnia, Substance Addiction, Impulse Control, and ADHD, to Parkinson’s, Cerebral Palsy, Fibromyalgia, Asthma, and countless other ailments too numerous to list here.
Sound vibrates cells and tissues to allow for cellular communication.
Vibration Therapy harnesses the healing abilities of sound and acupressure. Sound can penetrate much deeper into the body and is more effective than needles or just touch alone. Because sound has the capability to pass through matter and change the vibration of the particles it will resonate and reset cellular memory. For a lasting effect it must be kept in mind that the “problem” is an expression of traumatically encoded information at the cellular level and as with any medicine or therapy, repetition and consistency is required to receive desired results.
Essential oils can be added
Massage Table with 4 Speakers Mounted
• Amethyst BioMat Pro
• Sound Pillow – Get sandwiched with vibration between the Sound Table and the Pillow
VibroAcoustic therapy and binaural beats changes our brain. This is not about controlling the brain or rearranging it according to some optimal “brain manual.” It is about creating the conditions for brain activity that foster deeper learning and authentic change. It is about entraining the brain to step out of its habitual grooves and rewire itself in response to new learning.
Vibroacoustic/frequency therapy serves to stimulate a means of healing that involves the brain and the entire body at the organic and cellular levels. This therapy has produced results of remarkable improvement for a wide range of psychological and neuromuscular conditions from Anxiety, Depression, Anger Management, Insomnia, Substance Addiction, Impulse Control, and ADHD, to Parkinson’s, Cerebral Palsy, Fibromyalgia, Asthma, and countless other ailments too numerous to list here.
Sound vibrates cells and tissues to allow for cellular communication.
Vibration Therapy harnesses the healing abilities of sound and acupressure. Sound can penetrate much deeper into the body and is more effective than needles or just touch alone. Because sound has the capability to pass through matter and change the vibration of the particles it will resonate and reset cellular memory. For a lasting effect it must be kept in mind that the “problem” is an expression of traumatically encoded information at the cellular level and as with any medicine or therapy, repetition and consistency is required to receive desired results.
3 full range Subwoofers encased in a durable/comfortable wearable belt. The Speakers are adjustable in order to focus the sound on specific organs, vertebrae, chakras, or acupuncture points. The belt may be worn so the speakers are on the front or back of the body or wrapped around any other part of the body. It is also incredibly effective on the bottom of the feet (the bottom of the feet have been shown to be one of the best places to get sound into the whole body).
Also incredibly helpful for back pain.
Seven benefits of the gong include:
1. The gong creates a space for the mind to release. The gong cleanses the realm of the mind creating a space to receive insight and spiritual wisdom from your divine essence.
2. The gong works on the meridians of the body. The meridians of the body are the superhighways of energy and flow. This allows body blocks to soften, stimulates circulation and reduces tension.
3. Emotional transformation occurs through gong sound healing. The reverberations of the gong reorganizes the emotional energy and feelings that are tied into the physical body.
4. The gong heals the nervous system. Some people have a profound experience of letting go as the gong opens up the portals of the nervous system where trauma is stored. The gong deeply assists with healing drug abuse and any form of addiction.
5. The gong stimulates the glandular system to a higher level of function. When our endocrine system is awakened and activated, the glands secret as Nature intended. We literally become healthier and more relaxed and therefore happier beings.
6. And in turn, our chakras, the energetic portals of the glandular system become organized and activated so that we may live in higher awareness.
7. Ultimately the gong creates deep relaxation. The ability to relax is everything in our contemporary age. Through deep and total relaxation, our bodies heal and we connect to our divine wisdom, merging with our true purpose.
The deep sound gong bath supports regeneration and self-healing. The gong lifts us out of ego so that the house of mirror neurons are cleaned, the circuitry purified, and faith in oneself is renewed.
Wisdom, in the form of compassion, is transmitted by the gong through telepathic resonance, touching us through our feelings in the midst of each moment. The gong touches us subtly through our skin, our internal organs, our thoughts and our moods, creating a mental state called "holistic fullness," wherein all feelings are felt at once.
The gong bath immerses us in this tone ocean where we may exist in a state of total acceptance, with no localized concentration, yet with holistic attentiveness or "awareness of awareness," inside the NOW.
The gong bath experience lifts us above all the limitations that are imposed upon our ego. Ego sees life as a problem to be solved. When you step fully inside a gong embracement, you enter a virtual Theatre of the Soul, both a Musical Initiation and a Magical Mystery Tour. The gong transcends ego's emotional perspective, shifting us to a neutral soul perspective, initiating self-healing and self-revealing.
Seven benefits of the gong include:
1. The gong creates a space for the mind to release. The gong cleanses the realm of the mind creating a space to receive insight and spiritual wisdom from your divine essence.
2. The gong works on the meridians of the body. The meridians of the body are the superhighways of energy and flow. This allows body blocks to soften, stimulates circulation and reduces tension.
3. Emotional transformation occurs through gong sound healing. The reverberations of the gong reorganizes the emotional energy and feelings that are tied into the physical body.
4. The gong heals the nervous system. Some people have a profound experience of letting go as the gong opens up the portals of the nervous system where trauma is stored. The gong deeply assists with healing drug abuse and any form of addiction.
5. The gong stimulates the glandular system to a higher level of function. When our endocrine system is awakened and activated, the glands secret as Nature intended. We literally become healthier and more relaxed and therefore happier beings.
6. And in turn, our chakras, the energetic portals of the glandular system become organized and activated so that we may live in higher awareness.
7. Ultimately the gong creates deep relaxation. The ability to relax is everything in our contemporary age. Through deep and total relaxation, our bodies heal and we connect to our divine wisdom, merging with our true purpose.
*For groups up to 4 people, add $40 per person for 60 minute session.
Seven benefits of the gong include:
1. The gong creates a space for the mind to release. The gong cleanses the realm of the mind creating a space to receive insight and spiritual wisdom from your divine essence.
2. The gong works on the meridians of the body. The meridians of the body are the superhighways of energy and flow. This allows body blocks to soften, stimulates circulation and reduces tension.
3. Emotional transformation occurs through gong sound healing. The reverberations of the gong reorganizes the emotional energy and feelings that are tied into the physical body.
4. The gong heals the nervous system. Some people have a profound experience of letting go as the gong opens up the portals of the nervous system where trauma is stored. The gong deeply assists with healing drug abuse and any form of addiction.
5. The gong stimulates the glandular system to a higher level of function. When our endocrine system is awakened and activated, the glands secret as Nature intended. We literally become healthier and more relaxed and therefore happier beings.
6. And in turn, our chakras, the energetic portals of the glandular system become organized and activated so that we may live in higher awareness.
7. Ultimately the gong creates deep relaxation. The ability to relax is everything in our contemporary age. Through deep and total relaxation, our bodies heal and we connect to our divine wisdom, merging with our true purpose.
B. Monthly special events like teleclasses, group seminars, and/or workshops related to health and wellness
C. A variety of handouts, recipes, books, CDs, food samples, and other materials
D. An invitation for guests to attend special events
Your voice is a holographic picture of your health. Through the technology of Voice Bio©™, the independent frequencies within your voice can be captured, translated and sorted onto a voice print chart, giving a highly accurate indication of physical function in your body.
Good for any specific issues related to organs or diseases. Helpful for emotional issues as well. Good overall balancing of your system. We have many testimonials demonstrating these healing responses.
The system does not claim to diagnose or cure.
This treatment was developed by Kae Thompson-Liu and is popular among naturopaths and physicians. The voice is representative of all of the frequencies in the body. The keynote frequencies found in the body are the very same frequencies found in music, and the computerized program uses the chromatic scale to recognize the harmonics over or under fueled in your system. The various parts of the body attract resources and communicate with each other by way of sound frequency. If communication breaks down, or if excessive or prolonged stress is placed on one system or organ, an imbalance can develop and the voice bio can help re-pattern before severe symptoms develop. Patterns, such as a disposition to cancer are easy to spot, and interventions as simple as toning “missing notes” can change the projected outcome.
Check out www.voicebio.com
Online Assessment
We do the same Voice Analysis over the phone or on Zoom. We then send you a link to download the CD with your missing frequencies. If you would like to have CD mailed to you, shipping is $5 ($20 for International shipping).
$65 – Assessment and song. Approximately 1/2 hour total.
Your voice is a holographic picture of your health. Through the technology of Voice Bio©™, the independent frequencies within your voice can be captured, translated and sorted onto a voice print chart, giving a highly accurate indication of physical function in your body.
Good for any specific issues related to organs or diseases. Helpful for emotional issues as well. Good overall balancing of your system. We have many testimonials demonstrating these healing responses.
The system does not claim to diagnose or cure.
This treatment was developed by Kae Thompson-Liu and is popular among naturopaths and physicians. The voice is representative of all of the frequencies in the body. The keynote frequencies found in the body are the very same frequencies found in music, and the computerized program uses the chromatic scale to recognize the harmonics over or under fueled in your system. The various parts of the body attract resources and communicate with each other by way of sound frequency. If communication breaks down, or if excessive or prolonged stress is placed on one system or organ, an imbalance can develop and the voice bio can help re-pattern before severe symptoms develop. Patterns, such as a disposition to cancer are easy to spot, and interventions as simple as toning “missing notes” can change the projected outcome.
We can do the same Voice Analysis over the phone or on Zoom. We then send you a song with your missing frequencies. You just won't get to do the 30 minute live sound table treatment.
10 session package
BEMER stands for Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy- Regulation Mat. BEMER uses PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) as a vehicle to deliver a specific pulsed therapy that increases circulation in the small blood vessels, which make up about 75% of our circulatory system. BEMER Physical Vascular Therapy improves microcirculation and promotes the blood flow in the smallest blood vessels. This improves the performance of the body's cells, which in turn favors the body's own self-healing powers.
BEMER is Earth energy therapy that is cumulative . . .
The more you do it, the better it works. So we suggest experiencing earth energy therapy at least 10 times to see the fullest benefits.
Physical benefits:
Increases circulation
Increases capillary circulation
Increases micro circulation, even to the brain cells
Increases ATP production intracellularly
Increases nutrition delivery to the cells
Increases oxygen transport to the cells
Purifies the blood
Boosts the immune system
Remarkable for men and men's issues
Has many benefits for overall health
Mental & emotional benefits
Improves mental health
Improves brain function
BEMER stands for Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy- Regulation Mat. BEMER uses PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) as a vehicle to deliver a specific pulsed therapy that increases circulation in the small blood vessels, which make up about 75% of our circulatory system. BEMER Physical Vascular Therapy improves microcirculation and promotes the blood flow in the smallest blood vessels. This improves the performance of the body's cells, which in turn favors the body's own self-healing powers
BEMER is Earth energy therapy that is cumulative . . .
The more you do it, the better it works. So we suggest experiencing earth energy therapy at least 10 times to see the fullest benefits.
Physical benefits:
Increases circulation
Increases capillary circulation
Increases micro circulation, even to the brain cells
Increases ATP production intracellularly
Increases nutrition delivery to the cells
Increases oxygen transport to the cells
Purifies the blood
Boosts the immune system
Remarkable for men and men's issues
Has many benefits for overall health
Mental & emotional benefits
Improves mental health
Improves brain function
Learn simple tools to assess stress, applied BEMER session along with breath work and simple grounding strategies.
Sound healing with singing bowls can cleanse and balance the chakras, relieve stress, and bring the body into a state of deep relaxation that promotes healing. Chakras are important energy centers that form the co-ordinating "network" that directly influence the endocrine glands. Our endocrine glands regulate all bodily functions and our energy centers or "Chakras."
Juliette will take you through a meditation using the singing bowls which are attuned to each chakra. You will be guided to use your breath, visualization techniques, mantras, and affirmations to reach the highest potential of each of your chakras.
Clearing the mind of negative thought patterns
Assists in healing the heart of past traumas
Alter "old patterns" or "belief systems" from childhood
Peace of Mind, Body and Heart
Assists in finding your passion
Based on some of the science in the field of Sound Healing… all frequencies are nutrients. Therefore, you experience the full range of frequencies within the chakras.
Once we have resonated each chakra into alignment with your soul and the planet, we then lead you into a place where you are present with all chakras at the same time. Once you are present with all chakras at the same time, you can begin to feel the spiraling movement of energy from the core of the earth to the cosmos — within us all.
This treatment has been shown to be especially effective for anxiety and any stress related issues.
You can pay in advance here, if you like
Dress comfortably. It is ideal if you can shower or bathe before appointment.
We also know people who can read the emotions of others. They understand what to say to make people feel better, and they know how to inspire them to take action.
People like this have high emotional intelligence (or EQ). They have strong relationships, and they manage difficult situations calmly and effectively. They're also likely to be resilient in the face of adversity.
So, how emotionally intelligent are you, and how can you develop further?
A tuning fork is an instrument designed to precisely emit a single frequency or a pure sound. The pure sound produced will help the body to locate and recognize discordant areas and self correct to that pure toned frequency.
This session involves the use of weighted and non-weighted tuning forks. The weighted forks are applied on the body to open, flush and balance the main meridian lines and to stimulate other energetic points throughout the body. The non-weighted forks are used around the body to comb through and smooth out any congestion within the auric field.
This session works with the chakra system as well. By working with the chakra points, we are able to identify issues within them and move the energy back to the mid line for clearing.
This session is great if you are experiencing pain or inflammation, migraines, depression, insomnia, PTSD, phobias, childhood or adult trauma, chronic fatigue, stress, anxiety, worry, and much more.
The goal of this session is to transform disruptive energy into harmonious energy and assist the body in letting go of the physical and emotional stresses that it has accumulated over it’s lifetime and to alleviate physical, mental and emotional distress.
This method is useful for a wide range of individual needs and is cumulative in its results. While benefits can emerge after only one session, multiple sessions (usually 3-5) can have a profound impact on overall health and wellness.
Some Benefits Include:
Promotes Relaxation
Reduces Stress and Anxiety
Promotes Emotional and Energetic Balance
Reduces Pain and Inflammation
Improves Sleeping
Helps us to Release Unresolved Feelings and Emotions
Promotes Inner Peace and Calmness
Promotes Personal Growth
Heightens Awareness
Balances the Chakra System
Disease in the physical, emotional, or mental body is often preceded by a disturbance in the auric energy, or, if it originates within the physical body, it registers in the aura at the same time or oftentimes before it manifests in a person’s conscious mind or physical body. Your aura is an early-warning system for disease. By paying attention to such forewarnings, you can take preventive aura healing action, whether it is medical, psychological, or energetic.
A grounded, energetically cleansed aura allows you to sense when energy is being directed at you from near or far, and gives you the choice to accept it or cleanse it out of your space. This puts people and situations at a healthy distance from you, thus allowing them less power to unbalance you. With a grounded, healed aura, you will feel safer and more secure, and the quality of all your grounding anchor points will improve. Your aura, when functioning effectively, acts as a lightning rod for negative energy or thoughts that enter your space. If your aura is not protecting you well, you might be hit by someone’s unhealthy energy transference, or you might feel that you are being verbally attacked when someone is simply transmitting information. With a grounded aura, these undesirable intrusions into your system will be intercepted at the outer edge of your aura and automatically grounded out of your personal field and down into the earth. With practice, your aura will become an autonomic system of protection.
When you are feeling healthy, self-confident, calm, and grounded, your aura is clean and healthy. A healthy aura is indicated by a cocoon of energy surrounding and extending out from the body at least one foot in all directions. This positive protection field is composed of bright colors, strong vibrations, pure tones, and a full, smooth, egg-shaped boundary.
When you are sick, depressed, sad, or unsure of yourself, your aura needs cleansing and is closer to your body. The colors are most likely to be dull, murky, and dark. The frequency is slow and erratic. There may be breaks or tears in the boundary. And the shape could be bumpy and distorted. All of these indicate that your aura needs healing and is not serving as a positive protection field between you and the energy of others and your environment.
An unprotective aura can be a cause of illness and distress for sensitive people. Without the natural filtering system of a positive protection field surrounding your body, you are open to environmental influences.
The frequency of different energies can coexist and overlap nondestructively in the same space; take, for example, radio and television frequencies. Much of the energy in your environment — mental, physical, and emotional — may be positive, but much of it is negative.
What is my soul’s purpose? I know that I have a mission and a destiny to fulfill but I am not always sure that I am on the right track.
Why is it still sometimes so difficult for me to know what I want?
How can I learn to accept and love all of myself especially those aspects that I judge and feel ashamed?
What are my natural gifts and talents, how do I best support their growth and development and in what areas of my life can they be utilized to their fullest potential?
What will allow me the greatest sense of happiness and fulfillment in my life?
Disease in the physical, emotional, or mental body is often preceded by a disturbance in the auric energy, or, if it originates within the physical body, it registers in the aura at the same time or oftentimes before it manifests in a person’s conscious mind or physical body. Your aura is an early-warning system for disease. By paying attention to such forewarnings, you can take preventive aura healing action, whether it is medical, psychological, or energetic.
A grounded, energetically cleansed aura allows you to sense when energy is being directed at you from near or far, and gives you the choice to accept it or cleanse it out of your space. This puts people and situations at a healthy distance from you, thus allowing them less power to unbalance you. With a grounded, healed aura, you will feel safer and more secure, and the quality of all your grounding anchor points will improve. Your aura, when functioning effectively, acts as a lightning rod for negative energy or thoughts that enter your space. If your aura is not protecting you well, you might be hit by someone’s unhealthy energy transference, or you might feel that you are being verbally attacked when someone is simply transmitting information. With a grounded aura, these undesirable intrusions into your system will be intercepted at the outer edge of your aura and automatically grounded out of your personal field and down into the earth. With practice, your aura will become an autonomic system of protection.
When you are feeling healthy, self-confident, calm, and grounded, your aura is clean and healthy. A healthy aura is indicated by a cocoon of energy surrounding and extending out from the body at least one foot in all directions. This positive protection field is composed of bright colors, strong vibrations, pure tones, and a full, smooth, egg-shaped boundary.
When you are sick, depressed, sad, or unsure of yourself, your aura needs cleansing and is closer to your body. The colors are most likely to be dull, murky, and dark. The frequency is slow and erratic. There may be breaks or tears in the boundary. And the shape could be bumpy and distorted. All of these indicate that your aura needs healing and is not serving as a positive protection field between you and the energy of others and your environment.
An unprotective aura can be a cause of illness and distress for sensitive people. Without the natural filtering system of a positive protection field surrounding your body, you are open to environmental influences.
The frequency of different energies can coexist and overlap nondestructively in the same space; take, for example, radio and television frequencies. Much of the energy in your environment — mental, physical, and emotional — may be positive, but much of it is negative.
B. Monthly special events like teleclasses, group seminars, and/or workshops related to health and wellness
C. A variety of handouts, recipes, books, CDs, food samples, and other materials
D. An invitation for guests to attend special events
While the main purpose of the technique is to apply the oils and provide the recipient with an essential oil experience, the Therapeutic Touch Technique is also about connecting with another person on an emotional level. The connections developed through this technique form feelings of trust and help the recipient relax.
This Technique provides a framework for individuals to appropriately utilize dōTERRA essential oils in a safe and effective way. This technique gives people a unique experience with essential oils and helps them maintain overall wellness.
Different factors that we face in our daily life can have an impact on our overall well-being. Whether dealing with a child who needs individual care, a friend frustrated with school, a spouse with stress from work, or a teenager worn out from a sporting practice, Therapeutic Touch can help.
Therapeutic Touch is especially healing when combined with a TRE (tension/trauma release exercise) sessions.
This Massage Technique will maximize the benefits of the essential oils used, stimulate the body and energy centers and balance body systems and function. The aromatic compounds in essential oils are so small in molecular size that, when applied, they work very quickly on your autonomic nervous system. Furthermore, this Massage Technique can be especially beneficial for those with chronic issues such as:
Carpel Tunnel
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Neurological Disease
Cardiovascular Disease
Pulmonary Disease
Back Pain
Auto-immune system disease.
*(50% off your Therapeutic Touch Massage with purchase of Home Essentials Starter Kit)
While the main purpose of the technique is to apply the oils and provide the recipient with an essential oil experience, the Therapeutic Touch Technique is also about connecting with another person on an emotional level. The connections developed through this technique form feelings of trust and help the recipient relax.
This Technique provides a framework for individuals to appropriately utilize dōTERRA essential oils in a safe and effective way. This technique gives people a unique experience with essential oils and helps them maintain overall wellness.
Different factors that we face in our daily life can have an impact on our overall well-being. Whether dealing with a child who needs individual care, a friend frustrated with school, a spouse with stress from work, or a teenager worn out from a sporting practice, Therapeutic Touch can help.
Therapeutic Touch is especially healing when combined with a TRE (tension/trauma release exercise) sessions.
This Massage Technique will maximize the benefits of the essential oils used, stimulate the body and energy centers and balance body systems and function. The aromatic compounds in essential oils are so small in molecular size that, when applied, they work very quickly on your autonomic nervous system. Furthermore, this Massage Technique can be especially beneficial for those with chronic issues such as:
Carpel Tunnel
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Neurological Disease
Cardiovascular Disease
Pulmonary Disease
Back Pain
Auto-immune system disease.
*(50% off your Therapeutic Touch Massage with purchase of Home Essentials Starter Kit)
Physical touch is as important to the AromaTouch Technique as the aroma because of its amazing healing benefits.
While the main purpose of the technique is to apply the oils and provide the recipient with an essential oil experience, the AromaTouch Technique is also about connecting with another person on an emotional level. The connections developed through this technique form feelings of trust and help the recipient relax.
The AromaTouch Technique provides a framework for individuals to appropriately utilize dōTERRA essential oils in a safe and effective way. This technique gives people a unique experience with essential oils and helps them maintain overall wellness.
Different factors that we face in our daily life can have an impact on our overall well-being. Whether dealing with a child who needs individual care, a friend frustrated with school, a spouse with stress from work, or a teenager worn out from a sporting practice, AromaTouch can help.
AromaTouch is especially healing when combined with a TRE (tension/trauma release exercise) sessions.
This somatic method is a bottom-up approach utilizing the physiology (body-based) to promote increased self-awareness, increased self-regulation, and increased well-being by supporting your ability to learn how to become more present with yourself and with somatic sensations, as sensations are what fuel our emotions.
This revolutionary therapy is for stress/tension/trauma-related issues, anxiety, depression, fatigue, anger and hostility, feelings of separation and loneliness, addiction, and all kinds of fears along with many conditions related to lack of balance and harmony in the body.
Reported Benefits Include:
Less Worry & Anxiety
Reduces Symptoms of PTSD
More Energy & Endurance
Improved Marital Relationships
Less Workplace Stress
Better Sleep
Less Relationship Conflict
Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
Increased Flexibility
Greater Emotional Resiliency
Decreases Symptoms of Vicarious Trauma
Healing of Old Injuries
Lessened Anxiety surrounding Serious Illness
Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
*Wear comfortable clothing appropriate for exercising and stretching
Based on some of the science in the field of Sound Healing… all frequencies are nutrients. Therefore, you experience the full range of frequencies within the chakras.
Once we have resonated each chakra into alignment with your soul and the planet, we then lead you into a place where you are present with all chakras at the same time. Once you are present with all chakras at the same time, you can begin to feel the spiraling movement of energy from the core of the earth to the cosmos — within us all.
This treatment has been shown to be especially effective for anxiety and any stress related issues.
You can pay in advance here, if you like
Dress comfortably. It is ideal if you can shower or bathe before appointment.
A tuning fork is an instrument designed to precisely emit a single frequency or a pure sound. The pure sound produced will help the body to locate and recognize discordant areas and self correct to that pure toned frequency.
This session involves the use of weighted and non-weighted tuning forks. The weighted forks are applied on the body to open, flush and balance the main meridian lines and to stimulate other energetic points throughout the body. The non-weighted forks are used around the body to comb through and smooth out any congestion within the auric field.
This session works with the chakra system as well. By working with the chakra points, we are able to identify issues within them and move the energy back to the mid line for clearing.
This session is great if you are experiencing pain or inflammation, migraines, depression, insomnia, PTSD, phobias, childhood or adult trauma, chronic fatigue, stress, anxiety, worry, and much more.
The goal of this session is to transform disruptive energy into harmonious energy and assist the body in letting go of the physical and emotional stresses that it has accumulated over it’s lifetime and to alleviate physical, mental and emotional distress.
This method is useful for a wide range of individual needs and is cumulative in its results. While benefits can emerge after only one session, multiple sessions (usually 3-5) can have a profound impact on overall health and wellness.
Some Benefits Include:
Promotes Relaxation
Reduces Stress and Anxiety
Promotes Emotional and Energetic Balance
Reduces Pain and Inflammation
Improves Sleeping
Helps us to Release Unresolved Feelings and Emotions
Promotes Inner Peace and Calmness
Promotes Personal Growth
Heightens Awareness
Balances the Chakra System
Disease in the physical, emotional, or mental body is often preceded by a disturbance in the auric energy, or, if it originates within the physical body, it registers in the aura at the same time or oftentimes before it manifests in a person’s conscious mind or physical body. Your aura is an early-warning system for disease. By paying attention to such forewarnings, you can take preventive aura healing action, whether it is medical, psychological, or energetic.
A grounded, energetically cleansed aura allows you to sense when energy is being directed at you from near or far, and gives you the choice to accept it or cleanse it out of your space. This puts people and situations at a healthy distance from you, thus allowing them less power to unbalance you. With a grounded, healed aura, you will feel safer and more secure, and the quality of all your grounding anchor points will improve. Your aura, when functioning effectively, acts as a lightning rod for negative energy or thoughts that enter your space. If your aura is not protecting you well, you might be hit by someone’s unhealthy energy transference, or you might feel that you are being verbally attacked when someone is simply transmitting information. With a grounded aura, these undesirable intrusions into your system will be intercepted at the outer edge of your aura and automatically grounded out of your personal field and down into the earth. With practice, your aura will become an autonomic system of protection.
When you are feeling healthy, self-confident, calm, and grounded, your aura is clean and healthy. A healthy aura is indicated by a cocoon of energy surrounding and extending out from the body at least one foot in all directions. This positive protection field is composed of bright colors, strong vibrations, pure tones, and a full, smooth, egg-shaped boundary.
When you are sick, depressed, sad, or unsure of yourself, your aura needs cleansing and is closer to your body. The colors are most likely to be dull, murky, and dark. The frequency is slow and erratic. There may be breaks or tears in the boundary. And the shape could be bumpy and distorted. All of these indicate that your aura needs healing and is not serving as a positive protection field between you and the energy of others and your environment.
An unprotective aura can be a cause of illness and distress for sensitive people. Without the natural filtering system of a positive protection field surrounding your body, you are open to environmental influences.
The frequency of different energies can coexist and overlap nondestructively in the same space; take, for example, radio and television frequencies. Much of the energy in your environment — mental, physical, and emotional — may be positive, but much of it is negative.
While the main purpose of the technique is to apply the oils and provide the recipient with an essential oil experience, the Therapeutic Touch Technique is also about connecting with another person on an emotional level. The connections developed through this technique form feelings of trust and help the recipient relax.
This Technique provides a framework for individuals to appropriately utilize dōTERRA essential oils in a safe and effective way. This technique gives people a unique experience with essential oils and helps them maintain overall wellness.
Different factors that we face in our daily life can have an impact on our overall well-being. Whether dealing with a child who needs individual care, a friend frustrated with school, a spouse with stress from work, or a teenager worn out from a sporting practice, Therapeutic Touch can help.
Therapeutic Touch is especially healing when combined with a TRE (tension/trauma release exercise) sessions.
This Massage Technique will maximize the benefits of the essential oils used, stimulate the body and energy centers and balance body systems and function. The aromatic compounds in essential oils are so small in molecular size that, when applied, they work very quickly on your autonomic nervous system. Furthermore, this Massage Technique can be especially beneficial for those with chronic issues such as:
Carpel Tunnel
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Neurological Disease
Cardiovascular Disease
Pulmonary Disease
Back Pain
Auto-immune system disease.
*(50% off your Therapeutic Touch Massage with purchase of Home Essentials Starter Kit)
What is my soul’s purpose? I know that I have a mission and a destiny to fulfill but I am not always sure that I am on the right track.
Why is it still sometimes so difficult for me to know what I want?
How can I learn to accept and love all of myself especially those aspects that I judge and feel ashamed?
What are my natural gifts and talents, how do I best support their growth and development and in what areas of my life can they be utilized to their fullest potential?
What will allow me the greatest sense of happiness and fulfillment in my life?
Essential oils can be added
Experience A Medical Massage Table with 4 Speakers Mounted Underneath as well as:
• Amethyst BioMat Pro -A Therapy of Light, Heat, and Crystal
Experience the profound benefits of detoxification, rapid healing, and natural pain relief with the Richway Amethyst BioMat.
• Sound Pillow (option) – Get sandwiched with vibration between the Sound Table and the Pillow
VibroAcoustic therapy and binaural beats changes our brain. This is not about controlling the brain or rearranging it according to some optimal “brain manual.” It is about creating the conditions for brain activity that foster deeper learning and authentic change. It is about entraining the brain to step out of its habitual grooves and rewire itself in response to new learning.
Vibroacoustic/frequency therapy serves to stimulate a means of healing that involves the brain and the entire body at the organic and cellular levels. This therapy has produced results of remarkable improvement for a wide range of psychological and neuromuscular conditions from Anxiety, Depression, Anger Management, Insomnia, Substance Addiction, Impulse Control, and ADHD, to Parkinson’s, Cerebral Palsy, Fibromyalgia, Asthma, and countless other ailments too numerous to list here.
Sound vibrates cells and tissues to allow for cellular communication.
Vibration Therapy harnesses the healing abilities of sound and acupressure. Sound can penetrate much deeper into the body and is more effective than needles or just touch alone. Because sound has the capability to pass through matter and change the vibration of the particles it will resonate and reset cellular memory. For a lasting effect it must be kept in mind that the “problem” is an expression of traumatically encoded information at the cellular level and as with any medicine or therapy, repetition and consistency is required to receive desired results.
Essential oils can be added
Massage Table with 4 Speakers Mounted
• Amethyst BioMat Pro
• Sound Pillow – Get sandwiched with vibration between the Sound Table and the Pillow
VibroAcoustic therapy and binaural beats changes our brain. This is not about controlling the brain or rearranging it according to some optimal “brain manual.” It is about creating the conditions for brain activity that foster deeper learning and authentic change. It is about entraining the brain to step out of its habitual grooves and rewire itself in response to new learning.
Vibroacoustic/frequency therapy serves to stimulate a means of healing that involves the brain and the entire body at the organic and cellular levels. This therapy has produced results of remarkable improvement for a wide range of psychological and neuromuscular conditions from Anxiety, Depression, Anger Management, Insomnia, Substance Addiction, Impulse Control, and ADHD, to Parkinson’s, Cerebral Palsy, Fibromyalgia, Asthma, and countless other ailments too numerous to list here.
Sound vibrates cells and tissues to allow for cellular communication.
Vibration Therapy harnesses the healing abilities of sound and acupressure. Sound can penetrate much deeper into the body and is more effective than needles or just touch alone. Because sound has the capability to pass through matter and change the vibration of the particles it will resonate and reset cellular memory. For a lasting effect it must be kept in mind that the “problem” is an expression of traumatically encoded information at the cellular level and as with any medicine or therapy, repetition and consistency is required to receive desired results.
3 full range Subwoofers encased in a durable/comfortable wearable belt. The Speakers are adjustable in order to focus the sound on specific organs, vertebrae, chakras, or acupuncture points. The belt may be worn so the speakers are on the front or back of the body or wrapped around any other part of the body. It is also incredibly effective on the bottom of the feet (the bottom of the feet have been shown to be one of the best places to get sound into the whole body).
Also incredibly helpful for back pain.
Seven benefits of the gong include:
1. The gong creates a space for the mind to release. The gong cleanses the realm of the mind creating a space to receive insight and spiritual wisdom from your divine essence.
2. The gong works on the meridians of the body. The meridians of the body are the superhighways of energy and flow. This allows body blocks to soften, stimulates circulation and reduces tension.
3. Emotional transformation occurs through gong sound healing. The reverberations of the gong reorganizes the emotional energy and feelings that are tied into the physical body.
4. The gong heals the nervous system. Some people have a profound experience of letting go as the gong opens up the portals of the nervous system where trauma is stored. The gong deeply assists with healing drug abuse and any form of addiction.
5. The gong stimulates the glandular system to a higher level of function. When our endocrine system is awakened and activated, the glands secret as Nature intended. We literally become healthier and more relaxed and therefore happier beings.
6. And in turn, our chakras, the energetic portals of the glandular system become organized and activated so that we may live in higher awareness.
7. Ultimately the gong creates deep relaxation. The ability to relax is everything in our contemporary age. Through deep and total relaxation, our bodies heal and we connect to our divine wisdom, merging with our true purpose.
BEMER stands for Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy- Regulation Mat. BEMER uses PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) as a vehicle to deliver a specific pulsed therapy that increases circulation in the small blood vessels, which make up about 75% of our circulatory system. BEMER Physical Vascular Therapy improves microcirculation and promotes the blood flow in the smallest blood vessels. This improves the performance of the body's cells, which in turn favors the body's own self-healing powers
BEMER is Earth energy therapy that is cumulative . . .
The more you do it, the better it works. So we suggest experiencing earth energy therapy at least 10 times to see the fullest benefits.
Physical benefits:
Increases circulation
Increases capillary circulation
Increases micro circulation, even to the brain cells
Increases ATP production intracellularly
Increases nutrition delivery to the cells
Increases oxygen transport to the cells
Purifies the blood
Boosts the immune system
Remarkable for men and men's issues
Has many benefits for overall health
Mental & emotional benefits
Improves mental health
Improves brain function
Learn simple tools to assess stress, applied BEMER session along with breath work and simple grounding strategies.
Journaling Strategies In this Course Include:
1. Journaling with pen and paper can have measurable benefits over the keyboard and research supports this. It appears that writing stimulates an area of the brain called the reticular activating system (RAS) which filters and brings clearly to the fore the information we're focusing on. If you're not fond of your cursive, that's o.k. We'll explore both old-fashioned pen and paper writing, using the keyboard, as well as art journaling for those of you who are more visually inclined.
2. Gratitude Journaling - a highly effective strategy for relieving stress because it helps you focus on the resources you have in your life already to create a more positive mood in the moment.
3. Emotional Release/Dream Work - you'll write about emotional responses to events that happened throughout the day as a way of coping with the stress. As you process what you're feeling, you explore more positive reframing options that allow you the ability to maximize and savor the positive feelings to expand on the positive and manage the negative things in your life.
Dreams are a powerful way to unearth what we've been storing in the basement or our subconscious mind. Somatic exercises dredge up emotional awareness and through our dreams our subconscious speaks its mind. You will keep a journal by your bedside and scribble, mind-map, draw, or bullet point whatever you do remember from a dream. The key is to record it in as much detail as you can manage, including aspects of your internal experience (e.g., what you were thinking or feeling during the dream). When people narrate their dreams, they typically leave out numerous details that seem too trivial or obvious to mention. Yet it is precisely these seemingly worthless details that often become highly significant in later explorations.
4. Bullet Journal or Personal Planning - a simple method to track what you need to do each day, goals you have, memories you create, etc. Writing things down (or a mind dump), especially when done first thing in the morning or right before bed, helps keep your mind uncluttered so there's space to feel organized, balanced, and welcome the gratitude aspect of journaling.
5. The Five-Minute Focus Flow or Mantra Magic - you will begin with one-minute focused periods of positivity and move into a five-minute positivity rant. This practice, when done daily, dissolves negativity and brings you into connection with your Higher Self so you can learn how to channel or perform Automatic Writing.
6. Intention-Setting Journaling prompts - you will explore journal prompts to get you started with journaling or to further your love for your self-care ritual. These prompts are intended to get you thinking about your love life, career, gratitude, world events, spirituality, and life in general.
7. Automatic Writing - a consistent writing practice, especially gratitude journaling, coupled with releasing practices such as yoga, meridian exercises, TRE, Chakra Dance, breath work, and meditation, will clear your chakras opening you to hear the Soul's Song, allowing you to produce writing words without consciously writing. I will use my automatic writings as examples for you to see how the words arise from a subconscious, spiritual, or supernatural source.
Benefits of Journaling:
1. decreases symptoms of asthma, arthritis, and other health conditions.
2. improves cognitive functioning.
3. strengthens the immune system, or T-lymphocytes, preventing a host of illnesses.
4. counteracts many of the negative effects of stress, associated with drops in depression, anxiety, and increases in positive mood, social engagement, and quality of close relationships.
Journaling generally involves the practice of keeping a diary or journal that explores thoughts and feelings surrounding the events of your life. There are several different ways to do this. Journaling, as a stress management and self-exploration tool, works best when done consistently, but even sporadic journaling, when done with intention, can be stress relieving especially when the practice is focused on gratitude and emotional processing.
Writing in a journal helps you remove mental blocks as it accesses the left side of your brain, the analytical and rational side, which unblocks the right side of the brain to allow it to think creatively and intuitively.
Journaling is a necessary complement to releasing practices such as TRE and Chakra Dance. As you release emotional blockages, you need to process what's coming up so you can integrate them. Writing provides a kinesthetic experience for the cognitive awareness that allows for integration in conjunction with the experiential or felt sense that somatic experiencing provides.
When the left and right sides of the brain work together, doing what they do best, we find clarity and creativity while also gaining valuable self-knowledge.
Journaling is an excellent way to hash out a problem and come up with solutions. Journaling about traumatic events helps you process them by fully exploring and releasing the emotions (once identified) involved so that you can more on to gratitude journal and automatic writing.
Journaling reduces stress since evidence shows that writing about stressful events helps you come to terms with them.
Journaling helps you achieve your goals. We all know that writing something down makes it more likely to remember it Research shows that when we write things down, it signals the brain that what you're writing is important. Additionally, setting aside a little time each day to journal will help you exercise self-discipline, a characteristic you must master if you wish to achieve your goals!
Spending too much time up in our heads planning, problem-solving, daydreaming (unconsciously), or ruminating over negative thoughts can be draining. It can also lead to your experiencing stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. Practicing mindfulness exercises can help you learn how to direct your attention away from being stuck replaying the past or anxiously worrying over what's to come in the future.
Through mindfulness techniques you will learn how to clarify your values and intentions, how to pay attention, notice sensations, and awaken awareness to live in the moment. Living in the moment allows you to learn to accept yourself and treat yourself the way you would treat a good friend. We will explore thoughts, mistaken beliefs and conditioned patterns. We will explore fear, anger, and forgiveness. We will practice cultivating kindness and awakening compassion.
Techniques in the art of mindfulness classes will also include: breathing methods, guided imagery, body scan and progressive relaxation to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress.
Mindfulness exercises will include sitting meditation, walking meditation, and conscious daydreaming.
Studies in many clinical trials support the effectiveness of meditation for various conditions including:
high blood pressure (hypertension)
Preliminary research indicates that meditation can also help people with asthma and fibromyalgia.
Meditation can help you experience thoughts and emotions with greater balance and acceptance. Meditation has been shown to:
1. Improve attention
2. Decrease job burnout
3. Improve sleep
4. Improve diabetes control
With time and consistent practice mindfulness will become effortless. As you make the commitment to reconnect with and nurture yourself, you will unlock your mad potential and SOAR into massive action to achieve your dreams!
Our breath is one of the most basic connections we have to our environment. Each time we inhale and exhale, we receive and give to our natural environment. This is a simple yet profound connection. We eliminate up to 70% of our body’s waste through our lungs. Clean air is vital to maintaining the delicate balance of life on our planet.
Both meditation and deep, slow abdominal breathing are linked to increased vagal tone. The Vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body, and supports everything from your health and well being to friendships and happiness. It travels all the way from the brain to the digestive system. This nerve works through the parasympathetic nervous system.
The strength of your vagus response is known as your vagal tone. High vagal tone improves the function of many bodily systems. Benefits include, better blood sugar regulation, reduced risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease, lower blood pressure, and improved digestion through optimal production of digestive enzymes.
It influences the release of oxytocin, a hormone that is important in social bonding. Studies have found that higher vagal tone is associated with greater closeness to others and more altruistic behavior. When your exhale is even a few counts longer than your inhale, the vagus nerve is signaled. Breathing from your diaphragm, rather than shallowly from the top of the lungs stimulates and tones the vagus nerve.
Learn a variety of breathing, toning, and meditation techniques to reduce stress, to gain resiliency, and to find joyful living.
There are many reasons why the family home can be affected by misguided energies and other forces, thereby needing a house clearing.
Arguments, violence, drug use, and even teenage angst, are just some precursors to a build-up of negative energy within the home by the current occupants. Perhaps the negative energies were present before the property was purchased or tenanted. It's possible the house may have been built in an area that is significant to the traditional custodians of the land and is creating an imbalance in the surrounding energy field. It's also possible that violence and trauma from hundreds of years in the past can still be affecting the area today. Complicating things even further, our lives and property can be impacted by energy portals and vortexes, as well as the placement of buildings across Ley Lines. All theses scenarios can lead to energy imbalances perceptible to the resident and need a house clearing.
We also know people who can read the emotions of others. They understand what to say to make people feel better, and they know how to inspire them to take action.
People like this have high emotional intelligence (or EQ). They have strong relationships, and they manage difficult situations calmly and effectively. They're also likely to be resilient in the face of adversity.
So, how emotionally intelligent are you, and how can you develop further?
Your voice is a holographic picture of your health. Through the technology of Voice Bio©™, the independent frequencies within your voice can be captured, translated and sorted onto a voice print chart, giving a highly accurate indication of physical function in your body.
Good for any specific issues related to organs or diseases. Helpful for emotional issues as well. Good overall balancing of your system. We have many testimonials demonstrating these healing responses.
The system does not claim to diagnose or cure.
This treatment was developed by Kae Thompson-Liu and is popular among naturopaths and physicians. The voice is representative of all of the frequencies in the body. The keynote frequencies found in the body are the very same frequencies found in music, and the computerized program uses the chromatic scale to recognize the harmonics over or under fueled in your system. The various parts of the body attract resources and communicate with each other by way of sound frequency. If communication breaks down, or if excessive or prolonged stress is placed on one system or organ, an imbalance can develop and the voice bio can help re-pattern before severe symptoms develop. Patterns, such as a disposition to cancer are easy to spot, and interventions as simple as toning “missing notes” can change the projected outcome.
Check out www.voicebio.com
Online Assessment
We do the same Voice Analysis over the phone or on Zoom. We then send you a link to download the CD with your missing frequencies. If you would like to have CD mailed to you, shipping is $5 ($20 for International shipping).
$65 – Assessment and song. Approximately 1/2 hour total.
Your voice is a holographic picture of your health. Through the technology of Voice Bio©™, the independent frequencies within your voice can be captured, translated and sorted onto a voice print chart, giving a highly accurate indication of physical function in your body.
Good for any specific issues related to organs or diseases. Helpful for emotional issues as well. Good overall balancing of your system. We have many testimonials demonstrating these healing responses.
The system does not claim to diagnose or cure.
This treatment was developed by Kae Thompson-Liu and is popular among naturopaths and physicians. The voice is representative of all of the frequencies in the body. The keynote frequencies found in the body are the very same frequencies found in music, and the computerized program uses the chromatic scale to recognize the harmonics over or under fueled in your system. The various parts of the body attract resources and communicate with each other by way of sound frequency. If communication breaks down, or if excessive or prolonged stress is placed on one system or organ, an imbalance can develop and the voice bio can help re-pattern before severe symptoms develop. Patterns, such as a disposition to cancer are easy to spot, and interventions as simple as toning “missing notes” can change the projected outcome.
We can do the same Voice Analysis over the phone or on Zoom. We then send you a song with your missing frequencies. You just won't get to do the 30 minute live sound table treatment.
10 session package
BEMER stands for Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy- Regulation Mat. BEMER uses PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) as a vehicle to deliver a specific pulsed therapy that increases circulation in the small blood vessels, which make up about 75% of our circulatory system. BEMER Physical Vascular Therapy improves microcirculation and promotes the blood flow in the smallest blood vessels. This improves the performance of the body's cells, which in turn favors the body's own self-healing powers.
BEMER is Earth energy therapy that is cumulative . . .
The more you do it, the better it works. So we suggest experiencing earth energy therapy at least 10 times to see the fullest benefits.
Physical benefits:
Increases circulation
Increases capillary circulation
Increases micro circulation, even to the brain cells
Increases ATP production intracellularly
Increases nutrition delivery to the cells
Increases oxygen transport to the cells
Purifies the blood
Boosts the immune system
Remarkable for men and men's issues
Has many benefits for overall health
Mental & emotional benefits
Improves mental health
Improves brain function
Included in the TRE® session are different techniques for eliciting and modifying the tremoring response, hands-on facilitated assists, and strategies for overcoming specific issues needing attention in the private session, as well as in one's at-home practice.
*After a total of four private sessions, most individuals are ready for a safe at-home practice.
Physical touch is as important to the AromaTouch Technique as the aroma because of its amazing healing benefits.
While the main purpose of the technique is to apply the oils and provide the recipient with an essential oil experience, the AromaTouch Technique is also about connecting with another person on an emotional level. The connections developed through this technique form feelings of trust and help the recipient relax.
The AromaTouch Technique provides a framework for individuals to appropriately utilize dōTERRA essential oils in a safe and effective way. This technique gives people a unique experience with essential oils and helps them maintain overall wellness.
Different factors that we face in our daily life can have an impact on our overall well-being. Whether dealing with a child who needs individual care, a friend frustrated with school, a spouse with stress from work, or a teenager worn out from a sporting practice, AromaTouch can help.
AromaTouch is especially healing when combined with a TRE (tension/trauma release exercise) sessions.
The deep sound gong bath supports regeneration and self-healing. The gong lifts us out of ego so that the house of mirror neurons are cleaned, the circuitry purified, and faith in oneself is renewed.
Wisdom, in the form of compassion, is transmitted by the gong through telepathic resonance, touching us through our feelings in the midst of each moment. The gong touches us subtly through our skin, our internal organs, our thoughts and our moods, creating a mental state called "holistic fullness," wherein all feelings are felt at once.
The gong bath immerses us in this tone ocean where we may exist in a state of total acceptance, with no localized concentration, yet with holistic attentiveness or "awareness of awareness," inside the NOW.
The gong bath experience lifts us above all the limitations that are imposed upon our ego. Ego sees life as a problem to be solved. When you step fully inside a gong embracement, you enter a virtual Theatre of the Soul, both a Musical Initiation and a Magical Mystery Tour. The gong transcends ego's emotional perspective, shifting us to a neutral soul perspective, initiating self-healing and self-revealing.
Seven benefits of the gong include:
1. The gong creates a space for the mind to release. The gong cleanses the realm of the mind creating a space to receive insight and spiritual wisdom from your divine essence.
2. The gong works on the meridians of the body. The meridians of the body are the superhighways of energy and flow. This allows body blocks to soften, stimulates circulation and reduces tension.
3. Emotional transformation occurs through gong sound healing. The reverberations of the gong reorganizes the emotional energy and feelings that are tied into the physical body.
4. The gong heals the nervous system. Some people have a profound experience of letting go as the gong opens up the portals of the nervous system where trauma is stored. The gong deeply assists with healing drug abuse and any form of addiction.
5. The gong stimulates the glandular system to a higher level of function. When our endocrine system is awakened and activated, the glands secret as Nature intended. We literally become healthier and more relaxed and therefore happier beings.
6. And in turn, our chakras, the energetic portals of the glandular system become organized and activated so that we may live in higher awareness.
7. Ultimately the gong creates deep relaxation. The ability to relax is everything in our contemporary age. Through deep and total relaxation, our bodies heal and we connect to our divine wisdom, merging with our true purpose.
*For groups up to 4 people, add $40 per person for 60 minute session.
Seven benefits of the gong include:
1. The gong creates a space for the mind to release. The gong cleanses the realm of the mind creating a space to receive insight and spiritual wisdom from your divine essence.
2. The gong works on the meridians of the body. The meridians of the body are the superhighways of energy and flow. This allows body blocks to soften, stimulates circulation and reduces tension.
3. Emotional transformation occurs through gong sound healing. The reverberations of the gong reorganizes the emotional energy and feelings that are tied into the physical body.
4. The gong heals the nervous system. Some people have a profound experience of letting go as the gong opens up the portals of the nervous system where trauma is stored. The gong deeply assists with healing drug abuse and any form of addiction.
5. The gong stimulates the glandular system to a higher level of function. When our endocrine system is awakened and activated, the glands secret as Nature intended. We literally become healthier and more relaxed and therefore happier beings.
6. And in turn, our chakras, the energetic portals of the glandular system become organized and activated so that we may live in higher awareness.
7. Ultimately the gong creates deep relaxation. The ability to relax is everything in our contemporary age. Through deep and total relaxation, our bodies heal and we connect to our divine wisdom, merging with our true purpose.
In this 60-minute one-on-one coaching session in person or via Zoom you can personally address any area of the self-regulation process including tools and techniques for:
1. Monitoring your own behavior, the influences on your behavior, and the consequences of your behavior
2. Judging your behavior in relation to your own personal standards and broader, more contextual standards
3. Reacting vs. responding to your own behavior (i.e., what we think and how we feel about our behavior)
The process is a 3-Phase one which includes:
a. The planning/releasing phase where you have an opportunity to work on self-assessment and learn how to pick the best strategies for success.
b. The monitoring/processing phase where you get experience implementing the strategies you chose and make real-time adjustments to your plans as needed.
c. The action/reflection phase where you put everything you have learned together and reflect on your experience, learning what works for you, and what should be altered or replaced with a new strategy.
Overall, there's tons of evidence to suggest that those who successfully display self-regulation in their everyday behavior enjoy greater well-being. Researchers Skowron, Holmes, and Sabatelli (2003) found that greater self-regulation was positively associated with well-being for both men and women.
Findings are the same for young people as well; a study from 2016 showed that adolescents who regularly engage in self-regulatory behavior report greater well-being than their peers, including enhanced life satisfaction, perceived social support, and positive affect (i.e., good feelings).
On the other hand, those who suppressed their feelings instead of addressing them head-on experienced lower well-being, including greater loneliness, more negative affect (i.e., bad feelings), and worse psychological health overall (Verzeletti, Zammuner, Galli, Agnoli, & Duregger, 2016).
Emotional Intelligence and Well-Being
To get more specific, one of the ways in which self-regulation contributes to well-being is through emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence can be described as:
“the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth” (Mayer & Salovey, 1997).
According to emotional intelligence expert Daniel Goleman, there are five components of emotional intelligence:
Internal motivation
Social skills
We will explore these topics together in a therapeutic, confidential relationship..
B. Monthly special events like teleclasses, group seminars, and/or workshops related to health and wellness
C. A variety of handouts, recipes, books, CDs, food samples, and other materials
D. An invitation for guests to attend special events
Before we dive into the work of healing and transformation, we need to identify who we are so that we have an honest and authentic perspective of our starting ground. Working with long-held, difficult emotions takes presence and energy that should be anchored in a safe place.
This course will examine:
1. Who Am I Self Exploration
2. Self-Loving Kindness
3. What is my value?
4. Transforming Toxic Emotions
5. Becoming Responsible: Shoulds vs Wants
6. Shame and Guilt
7. Learning How To Share
8. Recovery Through Self Love
9. Identifying Healthy Boundaries
10. Silencing Your Inner Critic
11. Thoughts vs. Feelings
12 .Compassion and Forgiveness
13. Finding Courage & Building Confidence.
Sound healing with singing bowls can cleanse and balance the chakras, relieve stress, and bring the body into a state of deep relaxation that promotes healing. Chakras are important energy centers that form the co-ordinating "network" that directly influence the endocrine glands. Our endocrine glands regulate all bodily functions and our energy centers or "Chakras."
Juliette will take you through a meditation using the singing bowls which are attuned to each chakra. You will be guided to use your breath, visualization techniques, mantras, and affirmations to reach the highest potential of each of your chakras.
Clearing the mind of negative thought patterns
Assists in healing the heart of past traumas
Alter "old patterns" or "belief systems" from childhood
Peace of Mind, Body and Heart
Assists in finding your passion
There are many reasons why the family home can be affected by misguided energies and other forces, thereby needing a house clearing.
Arguments, violence, drug use, and even teenage angst, are just some precursors to a build-up of negative energy within the home by the current occupants. Perhaps the negative energies were present before the property was purchased or tenanted. It's possible the house may have been built in an area that is significant to the traditional custodians of the land and is creating an imbalance in the surrounding energy field. It's also possible that violence and trauma from hundreds of years in the past can still be affecting the area today. Complicating things even further, our lives and property can be impacted by energy portals and vortexes, as well as the placement of buildings across Ley Lines. All theses scenarios can lead to energy imbalances perceptible to the resident and need a house clearing.
Juliette is a thought provoking, innovative and high impact speaker. Known for her dynamic and powerful teaching style, she is a seasoned presenter with the ability to take people on a journey of discovery, introspection, and transformation through her delivery.
As a certified coach, master's level counselor, and sound therapist, Juliette is gifted in translating spiritual principles into everyday language that reaches people from all walks of life. She combines over twenty years of experience teaching, training, and leading diverse teams and programs, along with her background in education, counseling, psychology, and sound therapy to deliver insightful, inspirational instruction that empowers individuals to realize their gifts, tap unused potential, and achieve more success in their personal, professional and spiritual lives.
As Founder and Owner of Heal From The Core, LLC, Juliette works with a wide-range of clients: employees in high stress industries, trauma doctors, EMT, athletes; parents; students; business leaders; and people simply wanting to become more resilient and just feel better about life.
Juliette earned her M.S. in Counseling & Human Relations from Villanova University and is a Nationally Board Certified Counselor in Individual/family counseling, as well as in Secondary School Counseling.
She earned a B.A. from the Annenberg School of Communications with concentration in Education at the University of Pennsylvania.
Advanced Training: Education, Advanced Group Dynamics, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Gestalt Therapy, Transcendental Meditation (TM), Kriya Yoga, TRE®, Sound Healing, and Aromatherapy.
Opening hours
- Sunday
- Closed
- Monday
- 8 AM - 9 PM
- Tuesday
- 8 AM - 8 PM
- Wednesday
- 11 AM - 9 PM
- Thursday
- 8 AM - 3:30 PM
- Friday
- 9 AM - 4 PM
- Saturday
- Closed